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7 Recipes For Life Anti Diet Ecookbook

Breakthrough No Diet Weight Loss Cookbook To Cut Your Dress Size In Half By Internationally Recognized Holistic Nutritionist & Chef Who Shares The Secret Recipes That Helped Her Halve Her Dress Size And Keep It Off.


7 Recipes For Life | Breakthrough 'No Diet' Weight Loss Research REVEALED: The most deadly "everyday" recipe on earth that's the CAUSE of your unwanted weight gain... Wed, July 17, 2013 From: Sherry Strong, internationally recognized whole food nutritionist and chef Re: 7 SIMPLE ways to permanently destroy the One Killer Recipe, end overeating and stop weight gain in its tracks Dear Friend, D id you know that there is one recipe that is so dangerous , yet so effective at causing food addiction and weight gain, that it’s being used in virtually EVERY restaurant, EVERY canned food, and EVERY fast food on earth? Did you know that this one recipe is the single most powerful cause of your issues with gaining weight, as well as the top three killer diseases? Did you know that there are simple, easy-to-prepare ‘counter-recipes’ that not only erase what this one killer concoction is doing to your body and your health, they also rapidly restore your body to its ideal weight, boost your energy through the atmosphere, and revitalize all 9 of your body’s internal health zones... all at the same time? You probably didn’t know all that… and that’s okay. You are hardly alone… This Big Fat “Recipe Lie” Is Really Well-Hidden Listen, it’s not your fault. Unless you’ve worked directly with the international food industries, as I have, or unless you are a professional whole foods nutritionist and chef, this information is very, VERY hard to come by. Not only is this deadly recipe secret kept hidden from the public by the powers that be—ONLY so they can increase their profits (trust me, they do not care at all about you or your family’s health or issues with weight gain)—it’s also been cleverly disguised with false and misleading labeling information. Think about it: would you willing buy something for you and your loved ones to eat that had this label on it? Of course you wouldn’t! This isn’t a matter of you not being a smart consumer…this is a matter of THEM being very, very clever marketers, and having fringe elements of national governments right in their back pockets. Food companies that use The Deadly Recipe rake in over $200 BILLION a year in revenues, and that is not including “normal” restaurants, canned foods, and grocery store “healthy foods” that—you got it—include the same deadly recipe. Call me cynical if you want, but I just don’t see anyone willing to lose $200 Billion + every single year simply by telling the truth about this fat making, health-breaking mixture… do you? Yet there IS an answer… it’s what I do as my life’s mission. It’s the truth I’ve been spreading to literally millions of people across dozens of countries for over 17 years. The good news is that it will make you happy when you discover how easy it is to cut back or even remove this Deadly Recipe from you and your loved one’s foods without sacrificing an ounce of taste! What Is This 1 Deadly Weight-Gain Recipe? There are five ingredients in the One Killer Recipe. If it was as simple as “don’t eat these five foods”, life would be easy…but it’s not. The Killer Recipe was designed in such as way as to make all five of these foods work together and make a very, very powerful drug-like effect on the body. These five ingredients are: refined table salt, refined sugar, “Franken-oils” (oils that have been modified), refined grains (yes, grains!), and chemicals. The chemicals used vary from recipe to recipe, but they are toxic , and get this: they cause a massive addiction to the foods they’re in. So, if you’re beating yourself up over being unable to maintain a diet, lose weight, or craving foods (especially at night)—stop. This Killer Recipe is the real culprit, and food companies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars perfecting this lethal cocktail over the years. Now, there’s really great news : everything you need to counteract this Killer Recipe is found in 7 very simple, absolutely delicious recipes. I designed each of these recipes with taste in mind, not just health and weight loss. Plus, these 7 recipes are so flexible and so easy to prepare (even if you hate the kitchen!) that you can literally build an entire dietary plan around them. The specific nutrients, vitamins, and macronutrient ratios (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) that I use in these 7 recipes were designed with just as much attention as the food companies spent designing the Killer Recipe—just with pennies instead of millions of dollars! Eating these foods in the right combination will help you break free from any food addiction you have, enable your body to FINALLY start burning fat around the clock, and restore your energy and vitality to that of an excited teenager! Virtually All You Need Is In These 7 Simple Recipes I’ve spent the past several years putting these recipes together into one simple-to-read mini-cookbook called 7 Recipes For Life! The reason I’ve done this is because I have an absolute passion to help men and women discover the TRUTH behind why they are struggling with weight issues, the LIES behind “diets”, and the EASE of reversing the effects of years, even decades of consuming that Killer Recipe. And, I should know: 17 years ago I was obese and sickly . I tried every “diet” you can think of. None of it worked. I just grew fatter and fatter…and honestly, more depressed each and every year. One day I decided enough was enough. I began studying the foods I was addicted to, which led me to the discovery of that 1 Killer Recipe. Once I saw what the food AND diet industries were doing to men and women, I had to take action. First, without dieting at all , I dropped HALF my dress size. (PICTURE HERE) (Guys, I see 8-10 inches drop all the time when men eat these 7 Recipes, all without traditional “dieting”!) After that, I became a sought-after speaker on the 1 Killer Recipe and the 7 Recipes For Life, even speaking at the world famous TED Talks in 2009. My message is simple: you CAN drop your dress size in HALF (or cut 8-10 inches from your waistline if you are a man) without dieting or extreme exercise. I made both those mistakes, and I ended up hating food and dreading the gym! Now, I admit, I like to look like a woman—I’m very happy being a size 4-6, and I never wanted to look like a stick. The reason? I love food! I love to eat. And, you should embrace this approach too if you want to finally put an end to dieting and crazy workout plans once and for all. This mini-cookbook will take you only a few hours to read cover-to-cover, and within less than an hour, you will be preparing your first of 7 Recipes For Life. In less than a week, you’ll begin to see your cravings decrease, your waistline shrink, and your energy return to normal. Also, your taste buds will return to their normal “non-poisoned” state…and you’ll CRAVE these wonderful, tasty, healthy foods naturally. No willpower, no “journaling”, no hassles. There’s absolutely no fluff in 7 Recipes For Life…it’s 7 VERY simple recipes, using a specific formula I created that blends natural foods together to break the Killer Recipe addiction. This is NOT a boring, never-ending diet book. Like I said, I do not believe in dieting—period. Refreshing, isn’t it? Here are just a few of the secrets I’ll share with you inside… Which foods you must consume several times a week to put an end to your sugar cravings… The nutrients you’ll need to restore your body’s ability to use it’s own body fat for energy (that means you’ll be burning fat around the clock)… Why “diets” never, ever work—and the 7 Recipe Difference… How to turn these 7 Recipes into literally dozens of different meals and snacks (you are NOT limited to 7 meals!)… The very best way to overcome mid-afternoon and early-evening fatigue, so you can enjoy your family and social life more… The lies behind so-called “healthy foods” (most foods people think are healthy are NOT… and a lot of foods that ARE healthy, like real butter , will absolutely shock you!)… And much, much more… I Can’t Take Full Credit For These 7 Recipes I learned so much from the pioneers in the fields of natural nutrition, weight loss, and health that I really have to honor them first. I was really fortunate to be in the right place at the right time to discover these secrets behind proper nutrient combination and eating whole, REAL foods (yes, that includes butter.) I might have stumbled down the tired old path of “low-fat dieting” nonsense. And, to be honest, if you wanted to spend about 200 hours on the Internet, and assuming you knew all the right places to go, you could probably put some of these recipes together by yourself. But why do that? What I’ve done is made it super simple for you. That’s all. I’ve cut right to the chase and put in only the 7 Recipes that I know for a fact will benefit you the most and create the fastest weight loss possible. I’ve done the research for you, I spent the endless hours in the kitchen so you don’t have to, and now you can benefit from my life’s work for less than the cost of one meal out. But Do It Yourself And You’ll End Up Confused Why reinvent the wheel when you don’t need to? Why spend endless hours trying to figure this out when I’ve perfected and refined the simplest yet life-changing set of recipes on earth? Surely your time and peace of mind is worth more than $27 to you, right? Imagine how much easier it will be to just have a go-to set of 7 simple recipes that you just have to fix, eat, and enjoy? This will save you from making 1,000 mistakes… and save you time and money, too. Just imagine… Within weeks, you can look and feel years younger… You will never, ever have to “diet” again, and you can still achieve your ideal body and health… Have your friends feel jealous and beg you for your recipes! (This is just fun…: ) Enjoy the vitality that you may have thought had left you for life, no matter how old or currently out-of-condition you might be… Knowing that you’re not putting harmful chemicals in your body, or the bodies of your loved ones, your children, or your friends… Not having to give up the foods you love like pizza, chips, ice cream or cookies... And having the slim, healthy physique you deserve and desire! Why It’s Just $27 You may be thinking, “Okay Sherry…if these 7 Recipes For Life are so great, why is your how-to recipe book only $27? Most books I see on the Internet cost $39 or more!” That’s true… but there are 3 specific reasons the price is so affordable: I made a vow, the one I covered earlier, to share these weight loss and health-improving Recipes with everyone I possibly can. I got pretty lucky and happened to discover these secrets, and frankly it’s not fair that you may be left out. This is a short mini-cookbook (under 50 pages, with no B.S. or fluff) And, to be honest: The price will not stay at $27. I’m only giving a select number of copies away at that price before being a little fairer to myself and increasing it. However, you have first dibs at this low price, so take advantage of it while you can. My “7 Recipe Solution” Guarantee If you read 7 Recipes For Life and don’t find at least three great recipes that make you look and feel leaner, more energetic, and more full of life within 60 days , I’ll refund every penny. Now, I realize that is a bold guarantee, and I would never make a guarantee like that unless I was 100% confident that these 7 Recipes work. However, I am 100% confident, because I’ve seen them work for 15 years and counting. How's that for fair? However… Time is critical… it’s of the essence if you want to claim your 7 Recipes For Life at just $27. I cannot stress this enough! If you want in the 7 Recipes For Life Charter Membership then you absolutely must order TODAY and secure your $27 price. If you click the button today, I will guarantee you the $27 “Charter” price. I cannot make that promise for tomorrow. YES! Give Me Instant Access Price Today: $47.00 ? $39.95 Today Only $27 Free $67 Bonus This Week Act today and I’ll include a free pass to attend my online Weight Loss Workshop Seminar. Others will pay $67 to attend this hour-long event, but you will pay nothing at all if you pick up your copy of 7 Recipes For Life today. Just keep this in mind: my Weight Loss Workshop Seminar has limited seating, and I can only extend this bonus to the first 30 or so customers who order today. WARNING: You Will Make Mistakes There’s an old saying I love: “A man who represents himself in court has a fool for a lawyer.” And, we all know people who refuse to read instructions or maps…and they get lost and confused, right? Read the road map to weight loss without dieting that I’m offering you rather than trying to go it alone. That’s the best and easiest path to having these 7 Recipes at your fingertips . Or, if you like, you can give up on the idea of looking leaner and feeling healthy altogether. It’s up to you. Just know I’ve put this to the test. Anyone interested in losing weight the healthy way while removing all food addictions AND restoring health and vitality without spending a fortune would be wise to pick it up… and frankly, foolish not to. Click here to get started in the next 3 minutes P.S. Remember, there are more weight loss and health secrets crammed into this little book and these 7 super-simple Recipes than you’ll find in a hundred hours of Google searching, or in any long-winded diet book there is. And listen : you are not ordering some “catalog in disguise.” This is the real deal, it’s 100% guaranteed so you can’t possibly lose money, and it is truly a no-brainer decision any savvy person who wants to lose weight and build ultimate health will make… - Privacy Policy | Terms Of Service | Contact Us ?

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