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Kettlebell Fat Loss Workouts

75% Commission - Fat Loss Workouts You Can Do At Home With Kettlebells. Learn More In Our Affiliate Section Here = Http://


Too busy for the gym? Frustrated with your lack of fat loss progress? Sick of cardio machines? Ready to try a revolutionary way to lose fat? Discover How Training With A Single Kettlebell Can Dramatically Decrease The Time You Spend Working Out While Transforming Your Physique Into A Lean, Athletic Machine Say goodbye to expensive home gym contraptions and cardio machines and get ready to lose body fat in the comfort of your own home with only a KETTLEBELL!!! Would you like to lose fat faster than ever before without going to a stinky, dirty, over-priced mega-gym and without being forced to spend hundreds of dollars on workout equipment that just turns your house into a cluttered mess of exercise machines, dumbbells, benches and balls? Or if you’re sick and tired of driving to and from the gym everyday, wasting time competing for dumbbells and bench space or putting your name on a waiting list for cardio equipment, then get ready for the solution to your workout and fat loss problems. You’re about to discover a proven workout system that will sculpt your body, burn belly fat, rapidly increase your strength and fitness, and dramatically boost your self-confidence – ALL IN LESS THAN 2hrs PER WEEK while using only a small piece of exercise equipment that can be stored under your bed, in your closet, the trunk of your car, or even behind a houseplant in the corner of your living room – and there’s no assembly required. But what happens when you combine this revolutionary piece of fat loss exercise equipment with the world’s most powerful and popular home workout fat loss system – Turbulence TrainingTM? The answer is rapid fat loss at any age using the Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution Workouts. You’ll be able to workout ANYTIME, ANYWHERE with the Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution Fat Loss System in your favourite location, wearing your favourite clothes while listening to your favourite workout tunes…and you’ll still get better results than any machine could ever give you – GUARANTEED. TT Creator Craig Ballantyne As you know, Turbulence Training has been used by thousands of men and women through Craig Ballantyne’s website and online videos, plus millions of men and women who have read about Craig’s programs in Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Women’s Health, Oxygen, and even Prevention magazine. Since 1999 Craig has been using his proven system to help busy men and women from age 18 to 81 burn fat in the comfort of their own homes. And along the way, Craig has secretly been teaching his system to a handful of select trainers – including me, Chris Lopez, the first-ever Certified Turbulence Trainer. However, Craig wasn’t always a fan of my training methods and kettlebell workouts, as you’ll find out in the story below. You’ll learn how we were first introduced and about the legendary, afternoon-long caffeine-fueled debates we had over espressos (me) and Green Tea (him) arguing about the best way to help YOU burn fat in less workout time than ever before. I’ll tell you the whole story about fighting with Craig in a minute, but first… Despite the undeniable success and effectiveness of Craig’s Turbulence Training, Craig reluctantly admitted that some of his readers were frustrated by the need to have a bench, an exercise ball, a set of dumbbells, and even an awkward to use chin-up bar at home to do the workouts. His system, no matter how powerful for fat burning, just could not always be used by folks with a limited budget or storage area in their homes. In fact, living in tiny condo in downtown Toronto, Craig himself – the creator of the world’s most powerful home fat loss workout system – was unable to store these essential pieces of exercise equipment at home, and always had to go to a gym to do his workouts (until he borrowed his first kettlebell in 2005). Craig needed a solution to the exercise equipment excuse…and eventually called me up and practically demanded I get certified in his Turbulence Training System so that I could bring you the Turbulence Training Kettlebell Fat Loss Workouts. Chris Lopez, RKC From the Desk of: Chris Lopez, RKC, CSCS, CTT Dear Friend, My name is Chris Lopez, RKC and I am The ORIGINAL Certified Turbulence Trainer and your TT Kettlebell Revolution Expert.  With my help and the help of World Famous Turbulence Training creator and Men’s Health Magazine expert, Craig Ballantyne, you’re about to discover how you can burn fat and transform your body using the proven Turbulence Training for Fat Loss System combined with high-intensity kettlebell exercises. Give me just a few short minutes and you’ll discover how to lose fat with nothing more than a kettlebell and your own bodyweight – you won’t even need dumbbells, a ball, or even a machine for interval training. You’ll discover my proven fat loss workouts and radically new fat burning exercises perfected over the last 100 years by Kettlebell masters… But first, I need to know… How much frustration is the lack of a proven, structured working program causing you?  How many days are you wasting trying to find 45 minutes or more to do a long, slow “so called fat burning workout”? Do you know how fast you could burn belly fat and fit back into your old clothes if you finally had a done-for-you kettlebell workout program that was created for you fitness level?  After years of exercising, this is finally going to be the workout that will help you shed that stubborn belly fat. Plus, you can do kettlebell workouts inside or outside, at any time of the day, in a park or parking lot, or even in just a teeny, tiny amount of space in a corner of your house or the smallest of apartments, and in only 10-30 minutes. You DO NOT need to commit to an hour long kettlebell workout class.  And you’ll save hundreds of dollars by training at home with the TT Kettlebell Revolution workouts, rather than hiring an expensive instructor. The TT Kettlebell Revolution Workouts are like nothing you’ve ever seen, watched, or possessed before, and are the result of combining a proven fat loss system – Turbulence Training – and a superior fat burning weapon – the kettlebell. The combination is deadly for belly fat and perfect for busy men and women of all ages. Trust me, I know, because I’ve been using kettlebell workouts for years…and I know what its like to be so busy that you can’t get a moment to yourself to think…after all, I have 5 kids, 2 business, and I coach national level athletes in my “spare time” – heck, I’ve even trained with kettlebells in a hospital parking lot while my wife was in PRE-labor with our 5th child! Unfortunately, the workout equipment industry and 2nd rate fitness magazines have convinced us that we need to exercise for at least an hour at a time, otherwise it isn’t worth it. And because so many of us have fallen for that lie, it has stopped millions of people just like you from getting the bodies they wanted. So you see, it’s not your fault that you’re still struggling to transform your body and lose body fat. It’s not your fault because you’ve been told over and over again – by magazines, cheesy infomercials for cardio machines, and misinformed, well-meaning trainers who said you had to do 60 minutes of cardio on a dirty machine – in a busy gym – every day – if you wanted fat loss results. But if you’re sick and tired of that lie, and fed up with the frustration of struggling to regain your body then you’re going to experience a life-changing event with the new Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution System. If you want to be leaner, fitter, happier, and dramatically boost your self confidence with a powerful workout program, then let me, Chris Lopez, show you how to get maximum results in only a few short minutes of kettlebell training 3 times per week for the best fat burning workouts of your life. If you can be open-minded to a radically different approach towards exercise, to one that doesn’t involve time consuming trips to the expensive, over-crowded gyms that don’t even have quality childcare, then you can experience the fastest weight loss of your life with less stress and struggle. On the other hand, the worst thing you can do is dismiss kettlebell exercises as a fad…the last thing you want to be is too stubborn to give them a chance…which brings me back to our good friend, and skeptic, Craig Ballantyne… Now let me tell you how I got to meet Craig and get introduced to his Turbulence Training System – and fight viciously with him over the fat burning power of kettlebells… To be honest, Craig was not easily convinced about the fat burning power of Kettlebell exercises. He and I first met while training at an exclusive, high-end personal training studio in Toronto, where we both trained busy men and women in short, burst workouts. Now Craig is the most stubborn and skeptical person you’ll ever meet. If you tell him it’s sunny outside, he won’t believe you until he goes out and stares at the sun till he’s half blind…and only then will he admit that “it seems to be getting brighter outside”. But of course, that’s one of the reasons that the Turbulence Training System has stood the test of time – because it’s built on a solid foundation of basic exercises and proven science – while ignoring so many useless workout fads that have come and gone… So for the first 90 days after starting to train at the gym where I had been working for over a year, Craig cautiously observed from a distance while I trained my clients with my unique blend of kettlebell and bodyweight exercises. He was like a modern day warrior sizing up his opponent in their first round of battle, just waiting for me to make a mistake so he could discount my training techniques. But over time, as my clients continued to lose body fat faster than any other trainer’s clients in the gym, Craig’s skepticism turned first into a cold acceptance of my success, then into a warm, professional respect for my methods, and finally led to many fiery debates with me over the best way to lose fat. We spent many an afternoon on a Starbucks patio in one of the most exclusive neighbourhoods in Toronto – where all of our clients lived – arguing over the best exercises for fat loss. Craig put his Turbulence Training supersets head-to-head against my Kettlebell circuits, and we argued for hours, but the biggest, most heated debates occurred when I claimed you could replace inconvenient fat burning interval training with easy-to-do kettlebell swings and snatches. Over time I thought I wore him down with my logic and powerful debating skills, but later I learned that Craig was secretly going home each night and testing the kettlebell workouts I described – using a kettlebell he borrowed from another trainer at the gym. It was those workouts he did – like a mad scientist in a tiny lab on a dark and stormy night – that finally convinced him of the fat burning power of kettlebells – and proved those exercises worthy of his Turbulence Training System. Eventually, Craig and I agreed to combine our two training systems – his Turbulence Training non-competing superset system – with my programs based on kettlebell fat loss exercises into the perfect fat burning workout – one that didn’t require any visits to a gym or any other equipment in your home except for a single kettlebell. Let me welcome you to The TT Kettlebell Revolution! But why should YOU join the TT Kettlebell Revolution? Craig receives hundreds of emails every week from frustrated men and women – just like you – who want to try kettlebell exercises and lose fat at home…In fact, not a day goes by that someone doesn’t ask him, “When are you going to do a Turbulence Training Kettlebell Workout?” Well, that day has finally arrived. We both know how hard it is – almost impossible, really – to find workouts for men and women who want to lose fat without all the extra effort of having to go to the gym and figure out how to use complicated pieces of equipment.  IT’s so frustrating!  That’s why we put these workouts together for you. After all, it’s NOT your fault if you’re struggling to lose weight on a workout plan that you’ve had to modify from some high-volume, body-part split routine you found in the latest bodybuilding magazine, or worse, some “Machine Circuit” that calls for high reps and low weight – what a waste of time. And every fitness magazine says that you need fancy machines, cardio equipment, and an expensive gym membership to get an effective, fat burning workout. But that’s NOT true! That’s why I’ve created simple and easy to follow TT Kettlebell Workouts for you. These workouts can virtually change your body overnight, dramatically boosting your confidence and helping you fit back into your clothes just as it has for hundreds of other kettlebell users just like you – who are busy, tired, and too fed up with commercial gyms and other ineffective cardio and machine type workout programs – and who deserve better! The TT Kettlebell Revolution Workouts are available for you to try out and put to the test for a full 60 days risk free. And if you aren’t completely satisfied and fitting back into your old clothes, then I will happily give you a full refund AND you can keep the bonuses that come with the program as my gift to you– that’s how much I believe in this system and know that it will dramatically boost your confidence and energy levels. But can’t I just use a dumbbell? You could, but the most effective exercises that will accelerate your fat burning effort – swings, high pulls & snatches – are best done using a kettlebell.  You just won’t get the same effect or results using anything else. Can WOMEN use kettlebells? Absolutely!  In fact, because kettlebell training involves so much of the butt and hamstrings, women will get a lot of benefits.  It’s both healthy for your joints and for toning your trouble spots. Are these exercises safe and easy to do? Yes.  All you need to know is how to use your abs, hips and butt.  Kettlebell training will not only help you burn fat, but will make an often troubled lower back STRONGER. Will I need to buy a full set of kettlebells? No.  All of the TT Kettlebell Revolution Workouts involve you using only ONE kettlebell.  As you progress you may want to invest in another one, but it isn’t necessary. So what do you get in the TT Kettlebell Revolution Program? It’s actually 3 eBooks worth of amazing workout programs that have helped hundreds of my clients lose over 187 pounds of fat and 73 inches from their bodies.  In fact, Howard used these workouts and lost 6 pounds of fat in just 28 days. It doesn’t matter if you’re a busy working mom or dad who only has 20 minutes to workout before the kids get up in the morning, or a shift worker with only 15 minutes to exercise before another 12 hours of work. These workouts work for all busy people. You’ll get over 36-weeks packed with high-energy workouts that will burn belly fat with unique and fun total body kettlebell exercises performed with you by me, Chris Lopez, where I’ll coach you through each movement perfectly so you get maximum results with correct form. The TT Kettlebell Revolution workouts don’t just give you some fat burning theory and then leave you to struggle on your own. Instead, I’m right there side by side with you through every workout in the TT Kettlebell tell-show-do sequence that explains how you can increase the workout intensity if needed or back off to any beginner level. You’ve never done a kettlebell workout like this, I guarantee. And you’ll finish each session knowing – not hoping or praying or wishing – but knowing, full well, that you are on the path to success and that its only a matter of days before those clothes are going to feel looser and fit better. Now let me address the biggest concern you may have… “Will it work for me?” That’s what every busy man and woman wants to know, from age 20 to 65. And the answer is yes. And we have proof. From Jamie who lost 12 pounds of fat in 6 short weeks, to Jennifer who got her bikini body at age 40 after having 4 kids, to Judi who is still losing fat at age 66 and has more energy than she did over 20 years ago. It doesn’t matter how old you are, how long you’ve been exercising, or how strong you are – all you need are 30 minutes, a willing attitude, and these short, burst kettlebell workouts. There’s not a single second of time wasted in these workouts. I know how busy you are, and how important time is in your life, so all I’m going to do is show you the exact exercises and put you through the best fat burning workout in just a few minutes and then let you get back to your family, friends, and social life. It’s the perfect Done-For-You fat loss system. Yes, yes, yes, this IS for you!  Whether you’re a busy dad like me who works crazy hours to provide for his family or whether you are a stay-at-home-mom with 2, 3 or 4 little ones at home, these workouts work for every man and woman who is sick and tired of being told to do an hour of cardio while getting no results. I use kettlebells because when you live with 5 women (my wife and 4 daughters) and a toddler who tears the house apart (my son, Joaquin), there just isn’t a lot of “guy time” to do hour-long bench press workouts. That’s why I’ve chosen kettlebells to help me burn fat, sculpt my body, and even work my abs harder than any crunch workout ever before. And that’s why my workouts have been featured in magazines like Maximum Fitness, national newspapers like The Globe And Mail and on TV shows like Toronto’s Breakfast Television and CityLine, and even endorsed by the world’s top personal trainers and fat loss experts, including Craig Ballantyne. In fact, Craig Ballantyne recruited me to become the 1st ever Certified Turbulence Trainer and the only personal trainer in the world allowed to incorporate his system into a new workout program because he wanted me to share the Kettlebell Revolution with you. But what really matters is that you get 60 full days to try out the TT Kettlebell Revolution Workouts and fat loss system entirely risk-free. I guarantee these Kettlebell exercise programs will work for you – FAST! So I guess that brings you to just one last question, “Should I invest in the TT Kettlebell system today or should I wait?” Well, listen, I believe that everyone has the freedom to do what they want – that’s one of the founding philosophies of the Kettlebell Revolution – so I can’t force you to do anything or make any changes. It’s a wise decision left up to you. But I can tell you why you should invest in this system this very minute for TWO very important reasons. First, you can’t just wait this out and expect to get slimmer on your own or with long, slow cardio workouts. After all, they haven’t helped much in the past, so why would they start working now. And it’s not like you’re ever going to have MORE time. You’ll probably only be getting busier as days go by, and you’ll never find the time to do a long cardio program. You need short, burst workouts so you can burn fat in as little as 15 minutes every other day. Second, it gets tougher and tougher for you to lose fat and sculpt your body as you get older. So while it doesn’t seem like a big deal to you now, waiting three more months before you finally get the Kettlebell Revolution system could mean its twice as hard – even for these amazing workouts – for you to lose that belly fat. So those are just 2 reasons I know you’ll join me in your kettlebell fat burning workouts today. After all, you’re just like me, a busy, BUSY person who wants to cut through the clutter and get straight to the point – and that means losing fat in just 15-20 minutes in the comfort of your own home with a single piece of inexpensive exercise equipment. That’s all the time, space, and money you have to commit to transforming your body – but thanks to Kettlebell workouts, that’s more than enough. And if you struggling, if you are frustrated, and if you are confused by all of the nonsense and gimmicks and straight-out scams that you see on late-night TV or in magazines, then I assure you, you’ve finally found the answer to your weight loss problems – just like Lori, a busy mother of 3, who had tried everything from Step Classes to crazy bodybuilding programs and wasn’t able to lose belly fat until she finally used the TT Kettlebell Revolution system. So don’t wait another second. Click on the link below to get your TT Kettlebell Revolution Workout system that you can use to start losing fat immediately. And you’ll always have my support as you fight your fat with the Revolution – it’s only an email away. And remember how quickly you’ll recoup your investment in these workouts, simply from the time saved from going to the gym and the money saved by fitting back into your old clothes. It’s that simple. If you’re serious about finally breaking free from the chains of excess body fat and low energy, you simply must get started with the TT Kettlebell system today. Or you risk being bound by fatigue and tight clothes forever. You have two full months to put the programs to the test, and I guarantee you’ll be seeing results much, much sooner than that – in fact, you’ll probably notice it after your first workout. If you’re not happy with how your body and your belly look now, and you’re serious about dramatically increasing your energy and confidence while transforming your body then you’re in the right place, and I strongly recommend you take advantage of this limited-time opportunity today by clicking on the link below. And remember, it would cost a personal trainer – even a fresh college kid just out of school – over $50 to take you through a SINGLE workout and then another $100 to $200 to design a workout for you. But with the 28 week TT Kettlebell Revolution System, you get proven fat burning workouts used by busy men and women all over the world from age 20 to 65, and all for less than the price of a personal training session – with even the worst trainer in town. If you lived in Toronto, you would have paid $150 per workout to train with me, but you if you keep listening I’ll reveal how you can get over 36 weeks of fat burning kettlebell workouts for only $57. With your TT Kettlebell Revolution Fat Loss System Package, you’ll get… The Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution Fat Loss Workouts - A full 28-week program complete with challenging Kettlebell Exercises & bodyweight drills designed to help you incinerate body fat and build muscle in less time than ever!  These workouts combine tried and true TT Supersets with the most cutting edge fat burning kettlebell drills and circuits known to man.  You will get lean and toned and get 6-Pack-Abs on this program. (Retail Value = $97)   The Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution QUICKSTART Coaching Guide - This audio program shows you exactly where to start with your TT KB Revolution Package.  Topics covered include: How to choose your Kettlebell; What Level You Should Start At and How to progress to the next level AND the answers to many more questions that you may have (Retail Value = $37)   The Kettlebell Workouts For Women Program - This program was designed specifically to target those trouble areas that leave you frustrated and looking for a better answer.  The TTKB For Women Program contains exercises and workouts that will get you a long, lean, feminine physique using just a Kettlebell and various bodyweight movemnts.  This program is a circuit style workout that will give you a flat tummy, toned legs and the sexy, sculpted arms of a dancer.  (Retail Value = $77)   The TOTAL VALUE of this program is over $200! You can get your copy of the Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution TODAY for ONLY $57!!! Click HERE to order TODAY!!! You’ll be shocked by the dramatic increases in energy you experience when you’re on this program, too. We can’t wait to hear about your success story with these Kettlebell Revolution Fat Loss Workouts. You could be just like my favorite client, Judi, who was suffering from shoulder and lower back issues until she started working with my Kettlebell Revolution System and became injury free while burning body fat in just 4 short weeks! Back when I met Judi, in 2004, she was plagued with low back and shoulder issues and was frustrated with not only being unable to drop 10lbs of fat, but her lack of strength and power when she was playing her “other” favorite pass time – golf. When we started, I took her through the exact beginner program found in the TT Kettlebell Revolution and after 4 short weeks, her back pain started to disappear and her shoulder pain was completely eliminated.  Even better, the mobility in her hips improved so much that she was able to add 20 yards to her drive. BUT THE MOST IMPRESSIVE PART? In those 4 short weeks, Judi lost 7 and 1/2 pounds of fat, well on her way to losing that last 10 lbs and she was feeling better with more energy and less time spent at the chiropractor’s office with injuries. I guarantee you’ll be amazed at the results you’ll get with these easy to follow, intense workouts. You’ll have less fat and more energy, and you’ll be healthier for life!  Our 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee “Test drive” the TT Kettlebell Revolution workouts for the next 60 with absolutely no risk so you can see for yourself how much fat you can lose or how much muscle you can gain.  You are completely protected by our iron clad 100% money back guarantee on our fat burning workouts.You will not only be satisfied, I guarantee you will be thrilled and amazed with the belly fat burning program, or you can simply email me and ask for a prompt and courteous, no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund. In fact, if you’re not completely happy for any reason at all, then I insist that you ask for a refund. However, after seeing so many transform their bodies while saving so much time by using these amazing fat burning workouts, I’m totally confident that you’re going to love these fat loss workouts too and you’ll start seeing the best results of your life. Click HERE to order TODAY!!! Not only does the Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution System give you the home workout plan you need to lose fat, but it also gives you the FREEDOM so many of us are looking for today. The freedom to cut the shackles and chains from traditional machine-based fat loss workouts that require us to live on someone else’s time, going to the gym when it’s open, or waiting in line until someone else is done with the treadmill we want to use. But you’ll no longer be a prisoner to other people’s demands when you join the Kettlebell Revolution. After all, the biggest part of the Revolution is the freedom you earn. The freedom to do our best, change our lives, and never, ever, EVER give up. I feel like everyone who joins the Kettlebell Revolution has entered a special, secret bond…we are a group of people who would stick up for one another…a band of brothers and sisters who will support one another side by side during their own personal fight for better fitness and health and freedom from the ineffective “system” imposed on us by equipment manufacturers and supplement companies who all say “more is better” and want nothing more than to lock us into long-term contracts with products we’ll never use. It’s time to break free. It’s time to join the Revolution and take back our time while rebuilding our bodies and increasing our fitness so that we become independent again, the way we used to live. It is my promise – and Craig Ballantyne’s promise to you as well, that you will be 100% completely satisfied with the workouts and nutrition programs found in the Kettlebell Revolution program. If not, just let us know and we will immediately and honorably give you a full refund. We will not let you down in any way because when you join the Revolution. It is our promise to you. I look forward to hearing about your new found freedom and fat loss. Let the Revolution begin! To your success, Chris Lopez, RKC, Certified Turbulence Trainer Author, The TT Kettlebell Revolution P.S. Because you are an ACTION-TAKER, I’m going to give you the 10-Minute Kettlebell Circuit Programs for free today, PLUS you’ll get the complete TT Kettlebell Revolution Fat Loss System for less than the price of a single personal training and diet consultation with me at my studio in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. P.P.S. There is NO RISK at all for you to try the Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution Workout Program. If you aren’t thrilled about the increased energy and fat burning results from the decreased workout time you experience while using the Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution System in 8 weeks, just let us know and we’ll refund 100% of your order. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Click HERE to order TODAY!!! NOTE: The Turbulence Training Kettlebell Revolution Workout Program is a downloadable exercise routine manual. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the exercise routine manual and all the bonus reports onto your computer. The exercise routine manual format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. CB Athletic Consulting, Inc. 2100 Bloor Street West, Suite 6315 Toronto, Ontario M6S 5A5. Start getting lean with KETTLEBELL WORKOUTS today!!!                                                                         Incoming Kettlebell search terms: kettlebell workouts kettlebell exercises kettlebell workout kettle bell workouts KETTLEBELL WORKOUT ROUTINES kettlebell routines kettle bell exercises kettle bell workout Kettlebell Training kettle ball workouts Copyright © 2012 by KettlebellWorkouts.Com. All rights reserved.

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